Monday, March 21, 2011

Barbara Kruger & Mercantillism


                                                                   I shop therefore I am (1987) Barbara Kruger

Face It (Green) 2007 Barbara Kruger

1. Describe the 'style' that Kruger has used in the two presented works.
Barbara Kruger's graphic work usually consists of black-and-white photographs with overlaid captions set in white-on-red Futura Bold Oblique. The phrases usually make a bold statement and commonly use pronouns such as you, I, your, we and they. She use photograph, magazine and newspaper image printed black and white.

  2. What are some of the concepts and messages that Kruger is communicating in them?
I think she is trying to tell us that Shopping has turned into a lifestyle. At the same time many are realizing that the power of consumption is stopping us from finding true and sincere happiness; and that shopping often works as a substitute for something that we’re missing in life. It is all about WHAT we buy and WHAT we choose to invest in, the world we live in will be the result of those choices. She layers found photographs from existing sources with pithy and aggressive text that involves the viewer in the struggle for power and control that her captions speak to.

 3. Do these images communicate these ideas effectively? Explain your answer.
I think it communicate effectively because the text and images are clearly directed.
The way she layered images and how she used colour of white letter on red background shows the audience to think about the text once more.

 4. Define the concept of Mercantillism and explain how these two examples can connect with the concept.
Mercantillism is an economic policy prevailing in Europe during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, under which governmental control was exercised over industry and trade in accordance with the theory that national strength is increased by a preponderance of exports over imports. These include the wealth of the nation measured by how much gold and silver they had. I think she was tried to tell that we have to use the money in the more useful place.

5. Upload a more recent example of Kruger's work where she has used a new medium, that is not graphic design. Title your image of the chosen work and comment on your response to the work. How do you think the audience would experience this work?
                       Barbara Kruger                                                              Untitled
                                                (We don't need another hero)

                                                             90" by 117"
                                                 photographic silkscreen/vinyl
This Barbara Kruger's work used bold strip of outlining with white text. The text "We don't need another hero" is straight forward that they are most powerful people and they can protect themselves. The girl leaning over the boy's shoulder and pointing at the boy's musculature. This shows male gender has more power to control over the social strength.